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There are 7 project working packages:

WP1 = Baseline: existing ways and challenges

WP1 generates an understanding of youth civil engagement, active participation, collaboration with decision-makers, as well as of youth competences on topics, covered by the COHERENT, e.g. inclusiveness, solidarity, EU values, democratic life, green and sustainable EU, …
Click here to download Coherent State of The Art Report

WP2 = Knowledge hub

WP2 is gathering selected information for enabling youth active citizenship, demonstrating best practices, methods, and guidelines, collaboration with NGOs and decision-makers, … It will be also used as an inspiration for improved participation, solidarity, engagement, cooperation, for realization of success stories.

WP3 = Transnational capacity building

WP3 covers the development of the 3 e-modules and the 3 e-textbooks, consisting of online sessions, exercises, case studies and guidelines for individual work of the participants.

WP4 = Youth engagement

WP4 focuses on all the relevant target groups types: youth, youth workers/trainers, facilitators, NGOs, youth organizations, decision-makers, civil society, …

WP5 = Policy toolkit

WP5 will deliver guidelines with clear recommendations and actions, directed at European, national and regional policy-makers and youth. It will also incorporate a guidelines/recommendations on how to strengthen collaboration between youth and decision makers.

Click here to download Policy ToolKit

WP6 = Dissemination and communication

WP6 addresses pathways to reach the desired impact, and specifically the following individual objectives:
a) Build and disseminate project results;
b) Widely promote the project results to relevant stakeholder communities, build and maintain a web-based portal with solutions and best practices;
c) Extrapolate and exploit the project results to achieve a desired long-term impacts.

WP7 = Management and coordination

WP7’s main objectives are: to carry out an effective technical, scientific, legal, financial and administrative co-ordination, establishing the mechanisms and management procedures to the end of the project as well as ensuring that work is running smoothly and that an equal level of information is maintained between all partners.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that might be made of the information contained therein.  624600-EPP-1-2020-1-SI-EPPKA3-EU-YTH-TOG

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