Activating Youth

Current circumstances (pandemic, climate) are challenging and have changed the priorities of societies, welfare systems, and economies. It is given nowadays that young people choose not to participate in worldwide or national questions, and that fact characterizes them as unresponsive, while society needs youth initiatives. When compared to the previous generation, youth is considered to be more creative, innovative and communicative. In order for young people to evolve into active citizens, in position to face today’s reality, address their problems and responsibilities, and be well-informed, European Union has developed EU Youth Strategy where youth goals were defined.

EU Youth Strategy aims to prioritizing youth information, promoting social inclusion and solidarity, and empowering young people by enabling them to have more and equal opportunities in both education and labor market, with sole purpose to transform them to active citizens. Investments through funding programs, such as Erasmus+, have suggestions on developing innovative approaches, reflecting the views of European youth, and achieving the objectives of the Strategy. Moving to that direction, 11 European Youth Goals were developed, to prioritize these core areas.

Our project COHERENT, paves the way for the highlighting of all aforementioned priorities, while demonstrating that the Youth Strategy is functioning, and Youth Goals are achievable.

Through the progress of the project’s implementation, we would like to invite you to the Coherent International Youth Mobility in Maribor, Slovenia on 5-9 September 2022. In this training activity, young volunteers from Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia, Finland, Turkey, Greece and France aged between 18-24 years, can enhance their knowledge on active citizenship, social inclusion, sustainability, and obtain new skills. Stay tuned for further information on our social media channels.

 Overall, the COHERENT project is embodying an innovative initiative, attempting to show young people the right path towards gaining their voice, turning them into active citizens, explaining their freedoms and responsibilities, and demonstrating the benefits of being well-informed and properly opinionated about the global being.

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